Hur planterar du gardenias

Gardenia blomma

För att plantera, odla och ta hand om gardenia, välj en väldränerad jord, ge full sol till halvskugga, vattna regelbundet, gödsla varje månad och beskära efter blomningen. Gardenia kräver särskilda förhållanden för att trivas och producera sina doftande blommor, så genom att följa dessa steg kan du njuta av en hälsosam gardeniaväxt i din trädgård.

Gardenia flower

    1 Select a compact plant with deep green, glossy foliage. When you select your variety of gardenia, keep in mind that most gardenia varieties grow better in tropical and subtropical climates. The Kleim's Hardy Gardenia is one of the only gardenia varieties that can withstand relatively cold temperatures. [1].

Gardenia skötsel

  • Gardenias perform best in day temperatures of °F (°C) and night temperatures of °F (°C). Flower buds will fail to form if the ideal temperature for Gardenias is not respected! Gardenias demand high humidity to thrive. Provide extra moisture with daily misting, set the plant on a tray of moist pebbles, and/or use a humidifier.

  • Gardenia röd

    Planting In fall or spring, plant your gardenia shrub in acidic (pH ), humus-rich soil and provide good opportunity for drainage. (If you’re unsure of your general soil pH, get a soil test.) Plant in a wide hole in soil amended with bark or compost to help with drainage.

    Gardenia träd

    June 13, The gardenia is a tender evergreen shrub with amazingly fragrant flowers and shiny, dark-green leaves. A native of the tropics, it tends to need a bit of extra care to grow its best. Here’s how to plant, grow, and care for gardenias in your garden or home! About Gardenias.

  • hur planterar du gardenias
    1. Gula blad på gardenia

    Den här artikeln ger värdefull information om hur man planterar, odlar och tar hand om gardenia, vilket hjälper trädgårdsmästare att lyckas odla dessa underbara blommande växter. Vanliga frågor om hur man planterar, odlar och tar hand om Gardenia.

    Gardenia blommar inte

    Plant the gardenia in the prepared area. Plant your gardenias either in the fall or spring. If you are planting more than one gardenia, you must leave three to six feet of space between each plant. The hole you make should be twice as wide as the plant's root ball and only as deep as its length.
  • Gardenia skötsel

  • Gardenia utomhus

    Gardenia jasminoides ‘Kleim’s Hardy’ (Cape Jasmine) Gardenias prefer acidic soil with a pH between and Avoid planting gardenias near a concrete wall or foundation where the pH may be too high for optimum growth. Gardenias like soil that is rich in nutrients.