Olof aschbergs smutsiga historia

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Olof Aschberg (July 22, – April 21, ) was a Swedish banker of Russian-Jewish descent [1] who served as head of the Stockholm bank Nya Banken, the first bank in Sweden for trade unions and cooperatives. From August 18, on he served as Director-General of Roscombank, which was later transformed into Vnesheconombank.

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Han fortsatte med sin bankverksamhet och investerade pengar i film och press, konst och fastigheter, men mot slutet av talet blev det svårt. I februari skickades Aschberg till ett interneringsläger för misstänkta utlänningar, Le Vernet i Pyrenéerna, och han släpptes inte fri förrän på sommaren. [ 7].

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Olof Aschberg in New York, Olof Aschberg, the "Bolshevik Banker" (or "Bankier der Weltrevolution," as he has been called in the German press), was owner of the Nya Banken, founded in Stockholm. His codirectors included prominent members of Swedish cooperatives and Swedish socialists, including G. W. Dahl, K. G. Rosling, and C.

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Olof Aschbergs till Nationalmuseum överlämnade samling. Icones russes. Collection Olof Aschberg. Arbeten av Sergel ur enskilda samlingar. 2–15 september Målningar och svenskt talssilver ur enskilda samlingar. 2–10 september Ett urval av museets förnämligaste handteckningar. 2 september–30 november

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  • The Truth Behind The Murder Of The Tsar and Family January 29, ~ Ordo Militaris Radio It begins in the summer of in New York City with a Jewish Banker From Sweden, named Olof Aschberg, acting on behalf of the Tsarist Government to get a loan of 50 million dollars or a million rubles. Who was Olof Aschberg?.

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      Immediate Family Anna Elisabet Aschberg ex-wife Ragnar Olof Aschberg son Folke Olof Aschberg son Olof Sture Aschberg son Olga Aschberg ex-wife Rosa Siri* Kugelberg wife Lilian Rudström daughter Private User child Rosa Schlossberg mother Herman* Usch Gershon Asch.

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    Icones russes, Collection Olof Aschberg: donation faite au Musée national by Nationalmuseum (Sweden) (Book) Icons by Nationalmuseum (Sweden) (Book).

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    Aschberg’s London agent was the British Bank of North Commerce [20] whose chairman, Earl Grey, was linked to the inner-chambers of the Secret Elite in London. Another important Nya Banken connection was Max May, vice-president of J.P. Morgan’s Guaranty Trust of New York, also an associate of Olof Aschberg. [21].

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