Emil nordström nordic cross

Portfolio Manager & Partner, Nordic Cross

Nordic Cross Asset Management. apr. –nu6 år 7 månader. Stockholm, Sweden. Portfolio manager with a focus on equity and credit derivatives. Part of team of five portfolio managers.
  • Nordic Cross Asset Management. Ulf

  • Riskinformation Historisk avkastning är ingen

    Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Nordic Cross Credit Edge, one of the four hedge funds under the Nordic Cross brand, will be managed by Carnegie Fonder under a new name – Carnegie Credit Edge – using a similar strategy starting on October 3. Nordic Cross portfolio manager Emil Nordström (pictured) will continue to be responsible for the.

    Fonden är fossilfri och har

    Nordic Cross Credit Edge: Asset Class: Fixed Income: Geography: Nordic: Theme/Sub-class: Coporate: NordSIP Category: Active SRI: Product/Strategy: Sweden UCITS: ISIN: SE Availability: Registered for investment in Sweden: Manager: Magnus Nilsson, Emil Nordström, Fredrik Tauson.

  • emil nordström nordic cross
  • Nordic Cross Asset Management. Ulf

  • Emil Nordström, meanwhile, worked at Carnegie Investment Bank prior to joining Nordic Cross in as partner and portfolio manager. Asset management group Carneo owns 60 percent of Nordic Cross, while the remaining 40 percent interest is held by the firm’s founders.
  • Vi har intervjuat förvaltaren av

    Inför dagens inlägg har vi prata med förvaltaren Emil Nordström som förvaltar den populära fonden Nordic Cross Bull, en fond som under stigit med 43%. Emil berättar mer om fondens investeringsstrategi och för vilken typ av investerare den passar.

    Nordic Cross Asset Management AB.

      Nordic Cross Stable Return: Asset Class: Multi-Asset: Geography: Global: Theme/Sub-class: NA: NordSIP Category: Active SRI: Product/Strategy: Luxembourg UCITS: ISIN: LU Availability: Registered for investment in Sweden: Manager: Ulf Strömsten, Mikael Hanell, Magnus Nilsson, Emil Nordström, Fredrik Tauson.

      Nordic cross total return bond

    Nordic Cross Total Return Bond Fund: Asset Class: Fixed Income: Geography: Nordic: Theme/Sub-class: NA: NordSIP Category: Active SRI: Product/Strategy: Luxembourg UCITS: ISIN: LU Availability: Registered for investment in Sweden: Manager: Magnus Nilsson, Emil Nordström, Fredrik Tauson.

    Emil Nordström och Fredrik

    Gaming. NordSIP stands for Nordic Sustainable Investment Platform. The platform serves as the information link and connection hub between institutional investors and managers offering sustainable investment products, and as a reference point for the high interest across the asset management spectrum and beyond, viewed from the Nordics.